製作公司 大愛衛星電視股份有限公司
影音識別碼 TFB-vi-102_00_07770
導演 馮振隆
主題類別 森林育樂-環境教育;生態保育-濕地生態
關鍵字 台灣地質公園
出版日期 2013-08
拍攝地點 全台
片長 49分鐘
資料來源 委託辦理
作品語言 英語
出版單位 林業及自然保育署
業務單位 保育組
著作權所有者 農業部林業及自然保育署
影片摘要 In the international society, the acts to “protect geological heritage” and enforce proper planning of “geology-based eco-tourism” brought about the formation of “geological parks”. In Taiwan, the Forestry Bureau launched the “Taiwan Geoparks Network”, aiming to establish an exchange platform between the geological parks in Taiwan and lay down the standards for management of the geological parks. The geological parks in Taiwan carry the mission to effectively protect the rare natural landscapes, as well as leading the local communities to development tourism and economy from their unique resources without damaging the natural reserves. This network effectively links the scattered resources at the landscape sites into a force for nature protection and sustainable development and further pro
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