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Between life and death-Life-Releasing in Taiwan;放生與放死之間-台灣放生迷思(英語版)

製作公司 中視資訊公司

影音識別碼 TFB-vi-103_00_03405

導演 賴聰熙

主題類別 生態保育-外來種/野放

關鍵字 放生與放死,放生,放死,陳玉峰


出版日期 2006-03

拍攝地點 全台

片長 25分鐘


資料來源 委託辦理

作品語言 英語

出版單位 林業及自然保育署

業務單位 保育組


著作權所有者 農業部林業及自然保育署


影片摘要 “Freeing animals” is seen as concrete act of human kindness. The concept has been handed down to this generation from ancient China. As well as animals released by individuals, the release of animals as a religious ritual is also common. Usually, ritual life-release frees large number of animals, including farmed animals and wild-caught ones. Both local and alien species are released in this way. This, therefore, has become one of most common ways to introduce alien species to the island. Unfortunately, because of an insufficient knowledge of these animals and their place in nature, such actions lead to the death of many of these animals in an unsuitable environment. Even worse, business-related releases on a commercial scale endanger the animals already living in that area, or further


頻道來源 頻道一 頻道二

瀏覽次數 313
