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The Pearl of the Grass- Taiwan Ring-necked Pheasant;草地明珠-環頸雉( 英語版 )

製作公司 視群傳播事業有限公司

影音識別碼 TFB-vi-103_00_06134

導演 許鴻龍

主題類別 生態保育-森林動植物、濕地生態

關鍵字 Ring-necked Pheasa


出版日期 2006-06

拍攝地點 台中縣、台南縣、花蓮縣、台東縣

片長 23分鐘


資料來源 委託辦理

作品語言 英語

出版單位 森林管理組

業務單位 保育組


著作權所有者 農業部林業及自然保育署


影片摘要 In the twilight, the calls of the Taiwan ring-necked pheasants resound in the sugar cane fields. Throughout Taiwan’s agricultural past, this bird has been commonly distributed all over the island and a popular source of dietary protein for the peasants in earlier days. The male Taiwan ring-necked pheasant is impressively endowed with brightly colored plumage and loud calls. The most conspicuous morphological trait is the discontinuous patch of white feather ringing the male’s neck, by which the bird got its name. In contrast to the male, the female pheasant is plainly feathered, but such dull appearance serves as natural camouflage in the field, ensuring the safety of both the mother and the young during incubation and child-rearing.  This film, The Pearl of the Grass- Taiwan Ring-necked


頻道來源 頻道一 頻道二

瀏覽次數 212
