製作公司 張博鈞先生
影音識別碼 TFB-vi-103_00_07966
導演 張博鈞
主題類別 森林育樂-環境教育;生態保育-森林動植物、濕地生態、野生物救護
關鍵字 金黃鼠耳蝠,蝙蝠
出版日期 2013-12
拍攝地點 雲林縣
片長 40分鐘
資料來源 補助計畫
作品語言 英語
出版單位 林業及自然保育署
業務單位 林政管理組
合作單位 張博鈞先生
著作權所有者 農業部林業及自然保育署
著作權共有者 張博鈞先生
影片摘要 Every year a colony of mysterious bats fly to the Beigang area right before the Goddess Matsu’s birthday in the 3rd month of the lunar calendar, as if they come here to celebrate the Goddess’ birthday. These bats are locally known as the Upside down lotuses. They fall in love, get married, and breed here. In the 1960s, around one thousand bats could be found in the old house nearby, but only less than fifty bats could be found now. Mr. Chang Hengchia, a teacher of Cheng-Zheng Elementary School has been studying these bats for more than a decade. He discovered the decline of the golden bats population in his research. He has not only been actively monitoring and studying the bats during this time period; he also founded the Formosan golden bat’s home”. He trained many young volunteer
是否可借閱 是
瀏覽次數 436