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Refined Agricultural Hall-走過歷史一百年-農業精品區

製作公司 視群傳播事業有限公司

影音識別碼 TFB-vi-103_05_08064

導演 許鴻龍

主題類別 中央行政-業務簡介、活動紀錄;森林育樂-環境教育

關鍵字 檜意森活村


出版日期 2014-01

拍攝地點 嘉義市

片長 45分鐘


資料來源 公務拍攝

作品語言 英語

出版單位 嘉義分署

業務單位 秘書室


著作權所有者 嘉義分署


影片摘要 When Alishan Forest Railway started operation in 1912, Taiwan opened its page of logging era. Prosperous forestry not only pushed forward agriculture and industry on this island, it also had a great impact to the contemporary development of Taiwan’s cities and towns. Chiayi City is a typically benefited by the development of logging. Every day, premium logs conveyed from the mountain through Alishan Forest Railway made Chiayi City Taiwan’s largest forestry terminal at that time. With the transforming of social and economic structure, logging no longer existed, left behind its forestry industry are the hundred years of historical architectures like “Beimenyi”, “Forest Club” , “Bencun” and “Qingyeliao”. Once called “Qingyeliao”, this Refined Agriculture Park used to be a dormitory


頻道來源 頻道一 頻道二

瀏覽次數 258
