製作公司 台北影業股份有限公司
影音識別碼 TFB-vi-103_07_07850
導演 劉燕明
主題類別 森林育樂-環境教育、森林遊樂區/步道
關鍵字 台東林區管理處,臺東林區管理處
出版日期 2006-12
拍攝地點 台東縣
片長 14分鐘
資料來源 委託辦理
作品語言 英語
出版單位 台東分署
業務單位 育樂課
著作權所有者 台東分署
影片摘要 Situated in the Jhihbennei Hot Springs area southwest of Taitung City, Jhihben National Forest Recreational Area spans 110 hectares, ranges from125 to 650 meters above sea level, and has a mean annual temperature of about 22 oC, Dense forests and Jhihben Creek pass through the entrance to this area. With such a beautiful environment, Jhihbennei has become a famous tourist site in Taitung. This area is bounded by a river bed and a mountain ridge. Steep slopes make this area perfect for hiking on Forest Bath Trail, Hero Hill Trail and Ficus Shade Trail. Most trails are constructed in the dense forest; however, visitors can look down to Zhiben Creek, to an endless ridge, and even to Taitung City through the open space along the trails. The wood-paved trail along Jhihben Creek is on the way t
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