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Eagle and Yong Sing;永興知我鷹(英語版)

製作公司 行政院農業委員會林務局、永興社區發展協會

影音識別碼 TFB-vi-103_00_07674

導演 邱建昌

主題類別 生態保育-森林動植物、濕地生態

關鍵字 灰面鷲,灰面鵟鷹


出版日期 2013-05

拍攝地點 南投縣

片長 26分鐘


資料來源 補助計畫

作品語言 英語

出版單位 林業及自然保育署

業務單位 林政管理組


著作權所有者 農業部林業及自然保育署

著作權共有者 南投縣南投市永興社區發展協會

影片摘要 Hengshan is situated at the peak of Mount Bagua in Central Taiwan. The village lies on a geographically unique spot. 443 m above sea level, the villagers share the land with the beautiful birds of prey. Grey-faced Buzzards arrive in Taiwan from places such as Northeast China and Japan in October each year. Driven by the cold in winter, they migrant to the warm countries in Southeast Asia. In the following spring, they fly back to their homes in the North to breed. They stop in Taiwan on route to their destinations. Yongsing Community is a great spot for bird-watching. The Grey-faced Buzzards on route to the North fly past Yongsing. In the evening, flocks of buzzards descend from the sky while in the morning they soar up in large numbers. Up to tens of thousands of birds arrive and leave


頻道來源 頻道一 頻道二

瀏覽次數 285
