製作公司 視群傳播事業有限公司
影音識別碼 TFB-vi-103_02_07856
導演 許鴻龍
主題類別 森林育樂-環境教育、森林遊樂區/步道
關鍵字 新竹林區管理處
出版日期 2005-07
拍攝地點 桃園縣
片長 21分鐘
資料來源 委託辦理
作品語言 英語
出版單位 新竹分署
業務單位 育樂課
著作權所有者 新竹分署
影片摘要 Situated in Xiayun Village of Fuxin Township in Taoyuan County, Dongyanshan (Eastern Eye Mountain) National Forest Recreation Area spans 916 acres and ranges from 650 to 1212 meters above sea level. From its location behind a hill, it halts the advancement of the northeast monsoon. As a result, the climate is warm and comfortable. Since transportation is convenient, the area is perfect for day-trips. This area is situated on the foot of the western Snow Mountain range and is part of the Dahan River catchment area. From the peak of Dongyan Mountain, visitors can see the endless ridgeline, Taoyuan, Sanxia, Danshui Rivers and Chixin Mountain; the beauty of the region is indescribable. The most valuable segment in this area is the outcrop along the hiking trail, which has numerous fossils of
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